Tuesday, October 27, 2009


I've always loved doing panoramas. The one to the left isn't the best example of one (not edited, or cropped), but I love the concept of being able to show everything, in a wider frame to show the entire view of where you are/were. This past weekend I was in nyc for photoplus (or photo expo, whichever you prefer), and I got the chance to walk around the city and do some street photography. I took it to myself to do a few panoramas, and this is one of the results. This wall graffitti is actually the front of a children's daycare center on Houston, which is right outside of Soho. To put the panorama together I used a program called PTGui Pro. Hands down this is the best program to use when putting a panorama together. You could also do it with many other programs such as using the automate in photoshop. The advantage of using PTGui in comparison to using photoshop is that with PTGui it sets control points and figures out where lines match up, etc. Although I did this panorama hand held (you can tell because it doesn't all match up perfectly) it is best to use a tripod because by using a tripod when you put the panorama files into a program, the program will have an easier time matching up all the lines, and in the end saves you time.

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