Saturday, March 20, 2010

mish mosh apple sauce

Today I was a busy girl. I shot three shoots (two of which were personal shoots), I ordered a set of business cards (lets hope they arrive on time...), designed three promo cards, and then proceeded to edit the shoots... needless to say, this is the first time all day I've had time to sit down.

One of my personal shoots I did today I originally just wanted to do some classic styled beauty shots of make up, but then I got this idea of pouring things on top of the make up, to play off of color and just to have fun and experiment. I'd say that this was one of the more fun shoots that I've done all year... although I made a huge mess, and my fingers are stained, along with the floor of the studio in building 7... but hey, who's not to say that wasn't there before! Anyway, now that I'm off topic...

I also shot an assignment for my food photography class. I decided to shoot waffles, because I love waffles, and honestly I wanted to eat them after I was done shooting, and they were amazingly good! So here is an example of one of the images I shot for today:

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