Sunday, January 17, 2010

We're are living in a macro world, and I am a Macro girl

I am currently taking editorial photography. In this class the photographers work directly with a design major to create a layout that would go into a magazine, and that is exactly what our class is doing, making a magazine filled with our work! The goal of the class, is not only to make great work, but to get it into that magazine. The article that my designer and I are working on is about the slow food movement. The slow food movement was started in Italy in 1989 in efforts to ban chain food restaurants such as McDonalds and Burger King. Today Slow food has developed into a movement that is about preserving the local foods of that cultural region. Supporting your local stores, farms, and small businesses are all apart of this movement.

So, for this project, in order to keep up with the slow food movement, my designer and I went to the local Rochester Food Market... and it was amazing! Fresh food every way you looked and at incredible prices, we bought probably $100 worth of food for just over $30! We got, snap peas, carrots, parsley, mushrooms, lettuce, cabbage, artichokes, asparagus, sweet potatoes, string beans, brussel sprouts, radishes, scallion, tomatoes, homemade pasta, garlic, red peppers, jalapeno peppers, turnips and pears (the lonely fruit of the bunch). From going to the market, i never want to go a food store again for fresh food, at the market you can get not only vegetables, fruits and pasta, but fresh milk, eggs, cider, meats (chicken, fish, pork, beef), but also fresh bakery goods. the only reason to go to the food store would be for snacks.

1 comment:

  1. Oo0oo... I might need to paint your set of pears my Dear!
    Delight-full lilt they have!
    Yup. Yup.
    I like it.
